Becoming increasingly aware of serious problems encroaching upon fundamental Christianity, The Projector was founded to be a warning beacon to conscientious, Bible believing Christians, who desire to stand true to the Lord Jesus Christ and the Word of God. The purpose was not to ride the hobbyhorse of situations or conditions already exposed and exhausted in print, but to look ahead to see problematic issues looming ahead that might trip or harm young fundamentalist preachers and lay people, causing them to fall into error. Since its beginning in 1972, the paper, its editor, and contributing writers have steadfastly adhered to the initial purpose of The Projector as stated in its first issue, which included evangelistic unction, sound doctrine, Biblical standards, Biblical separation, and a conservative Christian viewpoint. Its contributors, who are tops in their fields and known for their faithfulness to the verbally inspired Word of God, represent varied fields of service including Theology, Education, Science, Music, Missions, Youth, and Children's ministries. The Projector demonstrates our desire to have a practical Christian periodical that speaks to many different areas - "Projecting the Light of the Word of God on the Issues of the Day." Copies of Projector Issues published from the Projector's beginning in January 1972 through the present are included herein and are archived according to subject matter, author and "Projector" issue. It is hoped that this library of articles, important to understanding the issues of the day, will be used by all to stay true and faithful to the Lord Jesus Christ and its use will bring Him Honor, Glory, and Praise.
Dayton Hobbs