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Projector Issue Title Author
Sum-Fall 1989 The Editor's Desk - Postmillennialism Dr. Dayton Hobbs
Nov-Dec 1984 The Truth About The Matter Dr. Dayton Hobbs
Sep-Oct 1983 Rousas John  Rushdooney - Friend or Foe Peter J. Foxx
Jul-Aug 1983 What's Wrong With Postmillennialism? Peter J. Foxx
Jul-Aug 1983 The Editor's Desk - Postmillennialism Dr. Dayton Hobbs
Nov-Dec 1982 Premillenarianism, The Position of Great Men of the Past Dr. W. B. Riley
Sep 1982 Premillenarianism Dr. W. B. Riley
Aug 1982 The Editor's Desk - Man is a Failure Dr. Dayton Hobbs
Nov 1980 Rushdooney Plants a Plant Pastor Bob Spencer